#ARsaysNO Petition results

In the run up to the UIPM Congress, we ran a petition to give the adventure racing community an opportunity to speak out about the proposed inclusion of ‘adventure racing’ under the definition of UIPM Sports, brought about by World Obstacle in their merger with World Pentathlon.

We received an excellent response with 1297 adventure racers in 48 countries taking a stand and adding their voice.

The petition also allowed signatories to include an optional comment. Many comments echoed “AR says No” and wrote of adventure racing’s unique character. It came through strongly that the adventure racing community does not trust World Obstacle, and that these organisations are far removed from our sport and understanding thereof, and that these organisations have no relation to adventure racing and no claim.

One signatory writes: “The annexing of Adventure Racing by Ian Adamson and the Obstacle Federation has been based on years of lies, misinformation and deceit. If anyone at Pentathlon took the time to communicate with the the community rather than rely on Ian’s word it would be clear. You are simply creating a headache for yourself. Please back off.”

Another says, “Allow the people who know and love this sport to govern ourselves. We have a legitimate organisation already”.

Others write:

“The decision by adventure racers has been made. The democratic and inclusive process has been undertaken and the current IARA (International Adventure Racing Association) is the appointed and recognised governing body of the sport of adventure racing and no other self appointed body has any right to claim a similar right.”

“Frankly absurd proposal. How can a body proclaim to govern a sport it has had zero connection with at any point ever? Why don’t you claim hopping? Athletics haven’t picked it up. It has as much to do with pentathlon as adventure racing!”

“As an Olympian in triathlon, I understand how the international federations work and having adventure racing under a federation that has nothing to do with the sport and no understanding of the sport is not beneficial to either party.”

“I am absolutely against this incorporation of adventure racing by the pentathlon federation; this is an unfair manoeuvre by World Obstacle.”

“Adventure racing is a standalone international sport with a focus on activities that have nothing to do with traithle, biathle, ninja or other sports. The joy of adventure racing is that every race course is different. It is not an obstacle course. Adventure racing should be left alone as its own discipline and sport and not subsumed under the mantle of any other unrelated sports organization.”

“We adventure racers do not want to identify to OCR or Pentathlon organizations. The disciplines are totally different and the initiative is driven by people who have no authority to represent adventure racing.”

“This takeover is about finances and shouldn’t go ahead.”

“The community of adventure racers has had plenty of opportunity to reflect on this issue. There is no justification for trying to fit AR into an ‘association’ with sports where it does not belong. Hats off those who dedicate time to the organization of sports at a higher level, but that higher level cannot override the reality on the ground. AR is independent and fully constituted to be independent of other sports and until that mandate is changed, may it not be hijacked.”

“Adventure Racing deserves to stay independent and true to its unique spirit.”

“The global governing body should have deep experience in adventure racing to keep the sport competitive and true to its design.”

“This is just a grab by a bunch of unethical fraudsters!”

“I am fully against inclusion of AR in the UIPM Sports. You have got no clue what Adventure Racing means.”

“I don’t support AR to be governed by WO / FISO. It would be detrimental to Adventure Racing as a sport and will rob AR of independence. This is a crude, disingenuous attempt for financial gain and suppression of ADVENTURE RACING.”

“AR community cares about AR.”

“Adventure Racing is based on navigation with a map over hundreds of km, while obstacles is running in a “small” circuit. AR is not related to OCR.”

“Stop trying to put Adventure Racing under the banner of World Pentathlon or any other non-AR body. It erodes the meaning of AR and does nothing except harm the sport and misrepresent it for selfish reasons.”

“I support the International Adventure Racing Association as the governing body for AR, since they have actually bothered to consult with racers worldwide rather than making a unilateral devaluation without consultation.”

“Adventure racing is a grass roots sport developed and enjoyed by adventure racers. A close knit community that will always put the love of adventure and the importance of the journey with healthy competition at the heart of adventure racing. It’s not a brand to be owned; it’s a journey to be shared.”

“AR needs to remain independent from pentathlon and be sovereign in its decision making to move the sport forward. They are fundamentally different sports and pentathletes have a different mind frame to ARacers, and they would struggle to understand the risks taking and requirements for freedom this restringing the best of AR sport.”

“Adventure Racing is a purist form of human sporting endeavour: racing across a territory using the natural obstacles of time, terrain, weather and knowledge. This could not be further from a contrived obstacle course.”

“World Obstacle and the UIPM need to stop claiming sports that they don’t have the right to claim!”

“Sportjacking is wrong.”

“It does not respect any reasonable criterion for an organization to want to be awarded the management of another sport totally removed from its own and without taking into account the interested parties, with whom they obviously have no relationship.”

Adventure racing community, thank you for your participation and your voices. We are listening.

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